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Продам/обменяю Big Tone Music Brewery Royal Beaver (Одесса) 240$

Додано: 15 жовтня 2017, 22:16

After countless experiments, we've distilled the essence of what makes each version of the big muff different. We found which components were crucial to the tone of each version, and how to manipulate them so that the tone of any version can be achieved. Not only can The Royal Beaver dial in vintage muff tones, it can dial in new tones that you've never heard before. Everything from a gritty low gain overdrive/boost to an over the top, crushing distortion that goes into endless feedback and sustain.
The Transistor Configuration Controls (the 9 knobs on the left side of the pedal) allow you to sculpt the 3 main components of any transistor stage: positive voltage, gain, and bias. The toggle switches allow you to turn on or off any of the 3 transistor stages. All of the major original vintage versions only had 2 stages. Turn on 2 for vintage muff sounds. Turn on just one for lower gain muff-­esque tones. Turn on all three for a muff sound with more fuzz and sustain than anything you’ve ever heard before. Or turn them all off for a simple boost with EQ control.
The 4-­way EQ knob adds another level of flexibility that you just can’t get with a regular muff. “Scoop” is the tradition muff EQ setting. “None” bypasses the EQ all together and was a feature found on some vintage muffs. “Flat” restores the midrange that is lost with the standard muff tone control. And “Hump” actually boosts the mids so you can stand out in the mix.
Check out the user’s manual to see just how easy it is to dial your favorite vintage muff sound and also how to create a few new sounds as well.


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Цена - 240$

Skype: xal.ex